SALOM is 70 Years Old
Salom is celebrating its 70th anniversary, this year. SALOM is one of the few media outlets in Turkey which has been published incessantly for such a long time.
Salom is celebrating its 70th anniversary, this year. SALOM is one of the few media outlets in Turkey which has been published incessantly for such a long time. SALOM is published every week with a rare and unique system that consists of an army of solely volunteer writers. Each issue is more interesting and historical than the other. SALOM’s readers are not only comprised of members of the Turkish Jewish Community. SALOM, with its rich and diverse content is increasingly striving to become a national publication.
SALOM covers world news with in-depth density and through different perspectives that you will not see in any other daily newspaper. SALOM continues to thrive on its way to becoming a unique newspaper with its sports, economy, culture sections and themes such as philosophy, science and religion that are rarely seen in mainstream media.
For the past six years, every month together with the newspaper SALOM is delivering its subscribers SALOM Monthly Magazine which by certain media professionals is regarded as one of Turkey’s premium quality culture magazine. Also, again together with the newspaper, SALOM is distributing El Amaneser Magazine, a magazine published with the aim to keep Ladino language and culture alive for the new generations. With these publications Salom is striving to have its name written in gold letters in the history of Turkish Jewish media.
While SALOM is incorporating writers who are both recognized by Turkish Jewish Community and broader non-Jewish society, it is also serving as a prestigious platform where new talents and new writers who wish to pursue a career in journalism or writing are welcomed at its pages and columns.
On the path it embarked upon with the goal of representing objective journalism SALOM is working day and night to become a publication that is absolutely modern while embracing state-of-the art technology.
We want to emphasize that on this path, we take some of the criticism under serious consideration and take corrective measures whenever deemed necessary.
However, sometimes we are sad to see some people judging our newspaper with a vulgar mindset and label it with prejudice. In today’s Turkey, in a climate created by polarization and in an environment where journalism transforms into a practice of ‘selected news’, we can’t escape from being labelled in the most abominable way for some of the news we cover in our newspaper. We observe this kind of approach from certain segments of broader non-Jewish society, but sometimes we observe similar approach from even a small segment of our own community.
SALOM will continue delivering facts to its Turkish readers without being selective about news. The essential principle of journalism is being objective and Salom will abide by this principle and continue performing its objective journalism duties, taking into consideration the sensitivities of all segments of our society and our state.
Some of our readers will continue seeing news on SALOM that “they don’t like”. As long as they see these kinds of news, they will once again realize and witness that life and the world is not only as they know and want it. SALOM on the other hand, will continue contributing to the realization that life together with people from different segments of society with different opinions is an art of living blended with compromise and tolerance.
SALOM will continue working with the same dedication and commitment as its founder Avram Leyon and will strive to set the bar higher.
On its 70th anniversary, as SALOM, the only media outlet of Turkish Jewish Community, we sincerely thank all of you for your support.
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