Nazlı Gürlek Hodder´s ´In The Body´ Exhibition
The Evliyagil Dolapdere Art Gallery is welcoming Nazlı Gürlek Hodder's first solo exhibition 'In The Body' until January 10th, 2021. 'In The Body' contains the artist's recent research on embodiment in relation to ecology through visual art. The exhibition features paintings, drawings, collages, installations, and videos created between 2018 and 2020. The works carry traces of the rituals the artist practiced in nature or in her studio, by herself, with the intention of developing practices of freedom, willpower, resistance, and empowerment.
Gürlek Hodder, in her exhibition, combines the installations and objects she has produced using the earth sourced materials such as volcanic stones, earth, copper, and vegetable oils, with the paper and canvas surfaces that she has painted.