Countdown for Contemporary Istanbul 2022
Countdown for Contemporary Istanbul 2022
The 17th edition of Contemporary Istanbul will be organized between September 19-22.
Few Days Left Until the 17th Istanbul Biennial
Few Days Left Until the 17th Istanbul Biennial
The 17th edition of the Istanbul Biennial organized by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV) is starting on September 17th.
Mezzo Soprano Lori Şen as Lady Diana
Mezzo Soprano Lori Şen as Lady Diana
The musical ´Queen of the People´s Hearts´ where mezzo-soprano singer Lori Şen is playing Lady Diana, will be performed at Zorlu Performing Arts Center, Istanbul.
First Solo Piano Album by Pianist Jerfi Aji
First Solo Piano Album by Pianist Jerfi Aji
The first solo piano album by pianist Jerfi Aji is out now from Vermeer Records.
Last Days for Sami Baruh´s Exhibition ´RUPTUR E !´
Last Days for Sami Baruh´s Exhibition ´RUPTUR E !´
NOKS Art Space, located in Yeldeğirmeni district of Kadıköy, is welcoming the artist and electronic music producer Sami Baruh´s first solo exhibition ´RUPTURE!´ consisting of his video and photography works.
Hania Rani @ Zorlu PSM Online
Hania Rani @ Zorlu PSM Online
Hania Rani, with her strong piano style, will be giving an online concert at Zorlu PSM.
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