4,611 Diagnosed Cases; 1,488 Patients Recovered

In the last 24 hours 1,488 COVID-19 patients have recovered and have been discharged from hospitals.
4,611 Diagnosed Cases; 1,488 Patients Recovered
Turkey´s Daily Coronavirus Chart - covid19.saglik.gov.tr

As per Turkey's Daily Coronavirus Chart, as of April 21st, the total number of tests administered is 713,409, the total number of positive cases is 95,591, the total number of lives lost is 2,259, the total number of intensive care patients is 1,865, the total number of intubated patients is 1,006, and the total number of recovered patients is 14,918.

In the last 24 hours, of the 39,429 tests administered, 4,611 have been tested positive, 119 people lost their lives, and 1,488 patients have recovered.

Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca via his Twitter account stated, "The data tells us this: Don't lose hope, don't become indolent. Let us not forget that these two are more dangerous than the virus. We should obey the precautions with persistence. Contact, distance, isolation."


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