"A Menorah for Each Home, 44 Candles for Each Menorah"

Chief Rabbi Isak Haleva sent his best wishes to all the Turkish Jewish Community for Hanukkah, the Festival of Light.
"A Menorah for Each Home, 44 Candles for Each Menorah"

"My precious fellow Jews,

This year the 'menorah' of which we will light the first candle on the evening of Thursday, December 10th, with its candles that we'll light increasing one candle a night throughout the eight-day long Hanukkah, will each day lead us to brightness a little more, revive the hope and trust for the future, despite the negative circumstances we are experiencing, strengthen our resistance. For 'Hanukkah', which is also the festival of resistance to negativity, self-confidence, and success eventually, with its historical meaning, I congratulate all of you with sincere feelings and I bless you with all the prayers of our holy Torah.

Hanukkah Sameach, Festival of Lights."

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