Lovers In Auschwitz

Auschwitz-Birkenau became a cemetery for 1.1 million people, about one million of whom were Jews. A true love happened in Auschwitz-Birkenau, the most well-known of the Nazi concentration camps, a hell full of hunger, torture, forced labor and disease. The true story of David Wisnia, a Polish Jew, and her lover Helen "Zippi" Spitzer, a Slovak Jew, has been compiled in a book by award-winning non-fiction journalist Keren Blankfeld Taqqu. The 400-page book "Lovers in Auschwitz", published by Little, Brown and Company in January 2024, hit the shelves in the USA.
Keren Blankfeld Taqqu's book "Lovers in Auschwitz" tells about the relationship of David Wisnia and Helen Spitzer in the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. Author Keren Blankfeld Taqqu, who wrote this true love story in Auschwitz, which smells of death, states that, as the grandchild of four refugees who escaped from World War II, grew up listening to the stories of partisans, hiding children and orphans. As a journalist, Keren covers stories about refugees and immigrants and writes for The New York Times, Forbes, Reuters, The Toronto Star, and others.
Keren Blankfeld Taqqu
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