1,415 Recoveries in One Day

According to Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca´s statement yesterday evening, 125 patients have lost their lives and 1,415 patients have recovered in the last 24 hours.
1,415 Recoveries in One Day
Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca

As per Turkey's Daily Coronavirus Chart, as of April 16th, the total number of tests administered is 518,143, the total number of positive cases is 74,193, the total number of lives lost is 1,643, the total number of intensive care patients is 1,854, the total number of intubated patients is 1,040, and the total number of recovered patients is 7,089.

Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca remarked in his Twitter account, "We have surpassed the test goal of 40 thousand tests per day. The increase in the positive case numbers is still at a perceivable level. The number of patients in need of intensive care is under control. The newly recovered patient number is over 1000. We have two strengths: Precaution, treatment. Let us use our strength."


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