Arter Museum Ready to Welcome Art-lovers
Arter Contemporary Art Museum is getting ready to welcome its visitors once again with the necessary health and safety precautions on Tuesday, June 16th. Until further notice, the museum will be open every day except Monday between 11:00-17:00.The two exhibitions that have been opened right before the COVID-19 pandemic started, Cevdet Erek's 'Bergama Stereotip' and Nevin Aladağ's 'Traces' exhibitions will be meeting the visitors again.
The opening exhibitions that were continuing when the museum had to be closed, will be able to be visited until July 26th. The continuing exhibitions are; the group exhibition titled 'What Time Is It?' consisting of Arter Collection, curated by Emre Baykal and Eda Berkman, the group exhibition titled 'Words Are Very Unnecessary' from the Arter Collection, curated by Selen Ansen, Ayşe Erkmen's retrospective exhibition 'Whitish' which is the first institutional solo exhibition in Turkey, curated by Emre Baykal, and Altan Gürman's retrospective exhibition curated by Başak Doğa Temür.
Arter's guided tours, workshops for children, and the 'Show and Tell From Home' program will continue to be online during June.
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