"We Wish the Sephardic Community All the Best"
This year La Autoridad Nasionala del Ladino prepared a special Ladino day. ´El Dia Mundial del Ladino´ was streamed via Zoom on the evening of March 17th. We talked to the Ambassador of Spain to Ankara Javier Hergueta due to this special occassion.
There are many different activities around the world to preserve the Judeo-Spanish language. In February there was a very successful activity over Zoom organized by the Ottoman-Turkish Sephardic Cultural Research Center. You surprised us with your presence and your speech in Judeo-Espagnol (Ladino). This week, on the 17th of March there will be a "Dia Mundial del Ladino" in Israel(*). What is the importance and significance of this language in the history and collective memory of Spain?
El dia 21 de Febrero, selebrimos el mueven Dia Internasyonal del Ladino/Judeo-Espanyol de Estambol. (Translation from Ladino: On February 21st, we celebrated the International Ladino Day in Istanbul.)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year, the International Ladino Day was celebrated via videoconference. The Spanish Embassy in Turkey fully supported this event that highlights the common heritage of the Sephardic people and the Ladino language, so well kept for centuries in Turkey and other countries around the world. We wish all the Sephardic community all the best in this occassion and hope for a personal celebration next year when we will overcome this pandemic. This is a date to remember and celebrate together and I am sure that we will be able to do it next year.
Hasta el 21 de febrero del año que viene, cuando podamos celebrar juntos este Dia Internacional del Ladino en Estambul. (Translation from Spanish: Until we see eachother on the 21st of February of the upcoming year, when we will be able to celebrate an International Ladino Day together.)
*The interview was done prior to the event.
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