Online Exhibition ´In the Lockdown - Karantinada´

The online photograpy exhibition 'In the Lockdown - Karantinada' has been opened for viewing on March 21st. Among the 39 artists attending the online exhibition are Lina Basmacı, Alain Danon, Deniz Horada, Michael Horada, Niso Maçoro, and Moris Sarfati and the exhibition's project consultant is Timurtaş Onan. The book of the project where 39 photography artists have contributed with 156 black and white photos, was also published.
The artist Timurtaş Onan had started the project with the idea that we can cope with our internal reckonings and lonelines during this chaotic period filled with uncertainties, by not only consuming but also by producing. The participants guided by Timurtaş Onan's idea, turned the portraits, self-portraits, and still-life works they have produced at their homes during the period of around one year, into an online exhibition.
The online exhibition that will go on until May 1st can be viewed by clicking the link below.
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