27 March
Ineffective Legislature, Activist Judiciary, Paralyzed Executive: The Root Cause of Israel´s Regime Crisis Refik Anadol's 'Machine Memoirs: Space' exhibition at Pilevneli Gallery in Dolapdere, Istanbul, is presenting a new conceptual framework revealing the place of astronomical research in human history and shedding light on great data sets about space.
Refik Anadol's most comprehensive solo exhibition in Istanbul until today, the exhibition consists of two interrelated chapters titled 'Memoirs' and 'Dreams'. Each of the chapters is approaching humanity's space explorations from a different aesthetic perspective and thematic orientation.
The works displayed in the exhibition are three-dimensional and contains powerful light effects and loud sounds. The exhibition can be visited every day except Mondays, between 10:00 - 18:00, until April 25th.