Education on Sephardic History and Identity
Cervantes Institute and the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) are organizing a certified course program on Sephardic language and culture in Toledo in June and July.
During the academic program titled 'Language, history, and culture in Toledo' prepared under the joint management of the two organizations, the classes will be taught at the University of Castilla-La Mancha between the hours 9:00 to 13:30, Monday till Friday. Two different course programs have been prepared; between June 21-25 the course program 'Toledo and Sepharad, a key period in the history of Spain, and between June 28 - July 2 the course program 'After Sepharad, five centuries building Sephardic identity' will be given. During the program, in the afternoons, visits to the monuments and important places in the city relating to the contents of the courses will be organized.
To really learn a language, it is important to learn its culture that is always closely attached to its historical heritage. Therefore, the course participants will learn about Spain and an important breaking point in the history of Spain and the world, the expulsion of Jews in 1492 (Course I), and the historical and cultural evolution of the Sephardic community from that day until today (Course II). This training journey will be completed with the reinforcement of communicative skills in the Spanish language. The participants in addition will be able to personally learn about many aspects of the daily life of Spanish society.
To get more information on the courses which will be €660 per week, you can visit the website of Fundación General de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha at https://fundaciongeneraluclm.es/programa-sefarad/ or write to [email protected] e-mail address.
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