The Door to New Beginnings: Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah holiday, when we celebrate the beginning of a new year, is the day Adam and Eve were created and the creation of the universe was completed.
Rosh Hashanah holiday, when we celebrate the beginning of a new year, is the day Adam and Eve were created and the creation of the universe was completed. The name Rosh Hashanah in Hebrew actually means 'the head of the year'. Rosh Hashanah 5782, the beginning of the new year. will be celebrated starting at sundown on the eve of September 6th until nightfall on September 8th.
On these days we can start to implement our new resolutions, and act in favor of taking our relationships with ourselves, our family, those around us, and God to a higher level. As God's messengers created in the image of God, we can touch people's lives in many different ways, such as by calling, messaging, helping, visiting, and supporting them, add beauty to their lives, and get a few more steps closer to fulfilling our purpose of creation.
Rosh Hashanah celebration traditionally includes eating apples dipped in honey and other sweet foods that represent the wishes for a sweet year.
L'Shanah Tova U'Metukah...
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