Şalom Writer Henri Çiprut Lost His Life
Henri Çiprut, who had been writing for Ladino for Şalom´s Ladino (Judeo Spanish) pages and El Amaneser intermittently for the last 20 years, and had been striving to protect and spread Ladino, has lost his life.
Henri Çiprut had been pursuing his works on Ladino at the Istanbul Sephardic Research Center coordinated by Karen Gerşon Şarhon and presided by Silvyo Ovadya, and taking place in the Ladino theatre plays written by Forti Barokas. Through his endeavors, he was striving to protect, preserve and spread Ladino.
The funeral of Henri Çiprut, who has lost his life at 48, took place on Sunday, December 12th.
Henri Çiprut had also taken place in the project titled 'Yanyana (Side by Side)', trying to introduce the non-Muslim citizens living in Turkey and their languages. You can find the YouTube link of the project below:
You can also find below the link to the interview our writer Dora Niyego had conducted with Henri Çiprut in 2020, and translated into English by Janet Mitrani:
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