What Would You Say for 2021?
We as the Şalom Newspaper asked our readers what the most important incidents and issues of 2021 were. Here are the incidents and issues that made their marks in 2021...
COVID-19 is still making the headlines all over the world in its second year
Even though exactly two years have passed since Coronavirus had been diagnosed in China, it still is the first issue on the world's agenda. The virus keeps being the determinant in many fields such as economy, education, tourism, and production with its variants, vaccines, and precautions.
While almost 74% of our readers identified the pandemic as the most important issue of 2021 in the world, the second most important issue has been the climate crisis with 10%.
The headline in Turkey is the Turkish Lira (TRY)
Turkish Lira's (TRY) devaluation in the recent months and fluctuations in the Turkish Lira's value over the USD and EUR have been the most important issue in Turkey for our readers. USD that had started the year as 7.4 TRY will be closing the year at around 11.5 TRY. However, during December the USD to TRY exchange rate reaching as high as 18 TRY has been a record high.
While 53% of our readers regarded TRY devaluation as the most important issue of our country, the second most important issue has been Sedat Peker's narrations with 21%.
'The Club (Kulüp)' is everywhere
Netflix's 'The Club' has been the Turkish production reflecting the Turkish Jews in the most detailed way, ever. The series focusing on 1950s' Turkey, brought historic incidents such as the Wealth Tax, 6-7 September incidents into focus. Turkish Jews and Ladino (Judeo Spanish) became the center of attention.
While 60% of the participants chose 'The Club' as the most important occurrence of 2021 in accordance with the Turkish Jews, 19% chose the historical meeting in the Ankara Synagogue that took place in November after 40 years.
Netanyahu era ends after 12 years
The fact that Netanyahu who had been the prime minister of Israel for 12 years, lost power to the Bennett-Lapid coalition, has been classified as the most important issue affecting the world Jews, by our readers.
While 55% of our readers identified the ending of Netanyahu's era as the most important event affecting the world Jews, 36% evaluated the process and the agreements in the context of the Abraham Accords Israel made with the Gulf Countries as the most important incident.
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