17th Istanbul Biennial Parallel Exhibition at Museum of Turkish Jews
The ´Jewish Identity Engraved on Stones´ exhibition of the Quincentennial Foundation Museum of Turkish Jews is opening once again as a parallel event to the 17th Istanbul Biennial.
As a parallel event to the 17th Istanbul Biennial, the Quincentennial Foundation Museum of Turkish Jews brings together archeology and history professionals and enthusiasts with an exhibition shedding light on the 2600-year history of Jewish existence in the Anatolian lands as a result of the information obtained through the archaeological excavations in Turkey. The 'Jewish Identity Engraved on Stones' exhibition, which was opened at the Zülfaris Synagogue for a short time, will be reopened, upon popular demand, at the Neve Şalom Cultural Center located on the lower floor of the Museum of Turkish Jews.
The exhibition is bringing to light the history of Jews in Anatolia along with pieces of evidence, in collaboration with architect Çiğdem Öner, the directors of the ongoing archaeological excavations in Anatolia and academicians, and with the financial support of the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Istanbul and the Heinrich Böll Foundation Turkey Representation.
When Jews came to the Anatolian lands 2600 years ago, they came especially for commerce in Anatolian and Thracian residences and settled in ancient cities. Archaeological excavations are presenting us with concrete findings such as tombstones, inscriptions, objects, and synagogue ruins certifying the Jewish existence in this region.
The concrete findings on Jewish existence revealed by the exhibition, are being displayed by regions. All detailed information about the Andriake, Sardis, Priene, Limyra, Miletus synagogues, and Side Synagogue which was discovered recently, in addition to the three-dimensional restitution proposals of the structures and models of some are being shared with the audience.
The excavation directors of the mentioned archaeological regions have assisted in the restitution studies concerning the synagogue buildings with their feedback. In the exhibition where a model of the Sardes Synagogue will take place, the visitors will also have the chance to watch a movie produced by Ariel Goldenberg, portraying a brief summary of the exhibition.
The 'Jewish Identity Engraved on Stones' exhibition in the nature of an invitation to emphasize the Jewish existence in Anatolia and further research on this subject, will offer an interesting perspective to especially the archeology and history professionals as well as enthusiasts.
In addition, the book titled 'Jewish Identity Engraved on Stones', consisting of all the details of the exhibition and the scientific writings of the excavation directors, will be available in the museum shop. The preparations for an archaeological/historical tour including the coasts of the Aegean Region, to be conducted during the exhibition, are also being made by the Museum of Turkish Jews.
The exhibition may be visited until the end of November, during the hours the museum is open.
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