Hay Eytan C. Yanarocak´s First Book Published
Dr. Hay Eytan Cohen Yanarocak´s first book ´The Evolution of Turkish School Textbooks From Atatürk To Erdoğan´ is published.
'The Evolution of Turkish School Textbooks From Atatürk To Erdoğan', the first book of Dr. Hay Eytan Cohen Yanarocak of Tel Aviv University, who has many academic studies, has participated in many TV broadcasts and interviews on Turkey-Israel relations, in Israel, Turkey, and other countries, has met the readers.
The book narrates and analyzes the Turkish education system and the textbooks, in the period of one century starting from the foundation of the Turkish Republic until today. Yanarocak divides the history of Turkish education into five periods in his book. The periods in the book are the Single Party government (1923-1950), Menderes Democrat Party government (1950-1960), the 1960 coup generals and their successors' governments (1960-1980), the Turkish-Islam Synthesis focused Atatürkist governments (1980-2002), and finally the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government (2002- ).
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