Honor of Knighthood Awarded to Karen G. Sharhon

Karen Gerson Sharhon was awarded the Honor of Knighthood by the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, for her contributions to the Ladino language.
Honor of Knighthood Awarded to Karen G. Sharhon

Şalom Newspaper's Ladino Pages Editor and the originator of the El Amaneser supplement Karen Gerson Sharhon, who has been contributing to Ladino and has been known for her efforts to keep this language alive for years, was seen as worthy of the honor of knighthood for her work.

The award bestowed upon Sharhon by the Israeli Ben-Gurion University of Negev's Moshe David Gaon Ladino Culture Center, is given in memory of Yitzhak Navon, the fifth president of Israel and honorary president of the center.

The award will be presented to Karen Gerson Sharhon with a special ceremony organized on January 17th, 2023.

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