Izmir Welcomed the European Routes of Jewish Heritage Incubator

Translation by Janet MITRANI
The Jewish Heritage Projects are confronting new targets as well as new necessities. In this context, the agenda came to be the holistic development of issues such as redefining traditional narratives, promoting the educational environment, and improving academic research and strategic partnerships.
In order to meet these needs, we organized a 3-day program in Izmir with the European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage (AEPJ) and determined the Izmir Jewish Cultural Heritage Project as the focus of the workshop.
In this framework, visits to regions of the Izmir Jewish Cultural Heritage, their analysis, and introduction were organized by the project coordinators Nesim Bencoya and Tilda Koenka. The participants representing the associations in various European countries had the chance to get to know and explore our unique project intended to protect and promote the Jewish cultural heritage, on the spot.
The 2022 (AEPJ) European Routes of Jewish Heritage Incubator, organized in parallel, presented a unique chance to reflect on the improvement and implementation of these routes and to analyze and evaluate them. It provided an exclusive framework to be constructed in cooperation with the coordinators of the route, the scientific committee, and the AEJP team and a wholesome strategy to further strengthen the project next year.
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