´The Sephardic Flavors and Aromas´ Exhibition at the Museum of Turkish Jews
The Quincentennial Foundation Museum of Turkish Jews is hosting ´The Sephardic Flavors and Aromas´ exhibition organized within the scope of researching, preserving, spreading, and promoting the Sephardic culture in cooperation with the Spanish Embassy in Turkey, Red de Juderias de Espana and Istanbul Cervantes Institute.
The exhibition, which may be visited until May 24th, was prepared based on the book 'Sabores de Sephardi' written by the author, cook, and food photographer Javier Zafra.
During 'The Sephardic Flavors and Aromas' exhibition, the participants will be able to experience the Sephardic heritage accompanied by historical notes, gastronomic discoveries, and inspiring images, through a time travel where the palate, as well as the heart, will guide them. This cuisine that the Spanish Jews had tried during their long and productive time in the Iberian Peninsula, was enriched with the ingredients and aromas from the places they had to travel to after the unfortunate Edict of Expulsion of 1942.
Just as Istanbul is a city that embraces Sephardic flavors, the Quincentennial Foundation Museum of Turkish Jews situated next to the Galata Tower is the ideal place to host such an exhibition.
This exhibition, where also the secrets of the recipes, preparation of ingredients, and names as known in the Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) language will be revealed, was previously displayed in Krakow and Miami.
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