From the Museum of Turkish Jews: ´Report Card´
The ´Report Card´, selected from the Quincentennial Foundation Museum of Turkish Jews collection...
This 'Report Card' was given to the student Simha Krespi with school number 795 by the Beyoğlu Jewish School. On it, the student's year of birth 1328 (1910) is written. On the back of the report card, there is also the student's ID information. The elaborate calligraphy observed on this report card, issued when the Latin alphabet had been adopted, shows the care the school administrators took on this issue at that time.
The report card belonging to the school year 1928-29 is dated September 4, 1929. It was published by the "Babok ve Mahdumu" Printing House. On it, there are various stamps and the student's photo.
This report card was donated to the museum by Meri Goldenberg and is in the archives of the Quincentennial Foundation Museum of Turkish Jews.
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