Aaron Nommaz´s ´Dona Gracia´ in Tel Aviv With the Hebrew Translation

Translation by Janet MITRANI
The launch of the Hebrew translation of the novel 'The Jewish Banker of Kanuni - Dona Gracia' written by the Honorary Consul of Portugal and writer Aaron Nommaz, took place at the Turkish Cultural Center in the Saraya Building in Jaffa in cooperation with the famous Israeli Publisher Steimazky.
In the novel, Nommaz built his tale around the intriguing life story of Dona Gracia, a heroic historical figure for the Jews, as he had perceived her as the most important symbol of the joint history between Turkey and Portugal. After his research of many years, he had summarized the role of Dona Gracia, born in 1510 in Portugal, in the Ottoman lands where she had died, as the 'Jewish Banker of Kanuni' in the title of the Turkish version of the novel.
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