A Night Full of Culture in Burgazada
The launch and reading night of the second edition of Robert Schild´s book ´Burgazadasi... A Living Ethnographic Museum (Burgazadası... Canlı Bir Etnografik Müze)´ was held at Burgazada ASSK (Adalar Su Sporları Kulübü) Club.
Translation by Janet MITRANI
Writer Robert Schild made a kind of historical interview and appreciation with 98 people he had chosen among the people of approximately 20 ethnic and religious groups who have been variegating this petite and pretty island, embellished them with many photos, and pieced them together in his book of 280 pages.
More than 120 island and literature enthusiasts, filling to the rim the Kuş Kafe [Bird Coffee] located over the sea at ASSK, after the introductory speech of Melis Şeyhun Çalişlar the Editor of Adali Publishing and Vice President of the Princes' Islands Foundation, and the opening speech of Robert Schild, watched with interest the presentations and readings of six people taking place in the book. Respectively these were Alex Dawe, a translator/writer from the US who had settled in Burgazada; Laki Vasiliyadis who has been living in Burgazada for 60 years; Nahit Seçkin and Zekiye Uzunoğlu originally from Thessaloniki, and who were among the members of the first Muslim families to settle in Burgazada a century ago; and as the youngest participant Yaman Alkan, a collector of Burgazada photographs and 'ephemera', meaning "items designed to be used in daily life, such as pamphlets, notices, tickets." During the presentations, the history of Burgazada was spoken of as well as discussing some of its current problems.
The highlight of the evening was the participation of the famous theater actress and owner of many drama arts awards Tilbe Saran. Saran whom we've recently enjoyed watching also in various TV series, has been living in Burgazada for many years. As the author's friend and neighbor, she participates in all such events embellishing them. At this gathering, she shared with the participants how her family had bought an old Greek house in 1973, how she relocated the traces of the family who had lived in this house for two generations in Greece and Germany, and the friendship she developed with them.
The joyous event ended untimely, as some participants had to make the last boat, with all exhibited books sold and signed by the author.
It was clearly understood from the crowded gathering, that now the emphasis was also being placed on art besides the usual subjects in the Princes' Islands like sports -walking, running, swimming, and tennis-, history of old houses, and wining and dining. We hope to see other island clubs prosper...
For those who are interested, Robert Schild's book [in Turkish] is available at Gözlem Publishing and Adali Publishing.
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