Middle East Union: A Proposal for Peace

By Feyyaz Meriç AYTEKİN
Undoubtedly, war is an act of great courage, but peace requires much greater courage than war. That's why I'm writing this article for all those who are in favor of peace. Peace can only be established by those who can overcome the wall of fear and show generosity. Peace is the embodiment of true power. Peace is greatness, love, brotherhood, imagination, and patriotism.
The ongoing war between the Netanyahu government and Hamas today is far from the generosity of peace. I want to ask: Why can't we see both the Israeli and Palestinian flags side by side in 'peace' demonstrations anywhere around the world today? Why do almost all those, who are supposedly in favor of peace, try to talk about peace by choosing one of these two flags? Why are we so afraid to talk about peace without 'ifs and buts? Why don't we discuss how being on the side of both Palestine and Israel is best for everyone? Why do we take refuge in the convenience of taking sides?
As Nietzsche said, “Madness in individuals is rare; But it is the rule in groups, parties, nations, and ages.” However, there are times and conditions when this rule can be broken and it is necessary to break it. I want to share my suggestions to break this rule.
One of the most realistic ways to bring real and lasting peace to the Middle East is the establishment of a Middle East Union. The principles and foundations of the Union can be considered as follows:
1. After the realization of the two-state solution (Israel and Palestine), a Middle East Union with Jerusalem as its capital (de facto) should be established in order to achieve peace in the Middle East. The three founding states should be Israel, Palestine, and Jordan. In terms of rules and regulations, the charts of the European Union can be taken as an example and the agreements of the European Union can be examined according to the conditions of the region. The Union will eventually find its own solution and function, considering its own conditions.
2. The Middle East Union Assembly should be multilingual, especially in Arabic and Hebrew.
3. The Middle East Union should be able to determine its own regional and international policies, away from the influence of other great powers. Major and medium-sized powers must also respect the autonomy of the Middle East Union and understand that this is also in their own states' interests.
4. The Middle East Union should maintain equal distance towards all religions, especially Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, and respect different belief groups.
5. Muslim and/or Arab states that are not members of the Union should not be allowed to interfere or indirectly influence the internal affairs of the Union.
6. The fact that Israel is a Middle Eastern state should be understood and accepted by all other Middle Eastern states.
7. Israel's right to exist should be recognized clearly; without any ifs and buts! Also, any anti-Semitic terrorist act committed against Jews should be condemned by the Union itself. The Union must also specifically combat antisemitism.
8. The Union must stand against Islamophobia or racism against Arabs and fight these two forms of hatred uncompromisingly. Additionally, all forms of discrimination and violence against Palestinians must be condemned.
9. The Union should be responsive to the needs of Christians living within the Middle East Union and open to listening to their problems.
10. Even though Turkey is not a founding member of the Union, it should become a member of both this Union and the European Union in the following years and play an absolute intermediary role between these two unions. It should ensure that the Eastern (Middle East) and Western civilizations embrace each other, as was done throughout history.
11. The Union should be open to the participation of all states in the Middle East and should be ready to re-negotiate its principles according to the expectations of the states that want to join the Union.
12. The Middle East Union should strive to increase peace, brotherhood, and prosperity in the Middle East and contribute to world peace.
I would like the above list to be considered as a start to ponder together on peace rather than a set of rules. I invite everyone who is in favor of peace and thirsts for peace, wherever they are in the world, to this discussion. As Theodor Herzl had written in his diary; “At Basel, I founded the Jewish State. If I said this out loud today, I would be greeted by universal laughter. Maybe in five years, but certainly in fifty years, everyone will perceive it.”
Let's establish a Middle East Union, regardless of the laughter that will accuse us of being naive and unrealistic. I believe that even starting to discuss the Middle East Union will be an important step on the path to peace. Let's think about the possibilities of living together and dream of a Middle East Union! Peace, peace, peace!
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