The “Chest” Witness of Silent Migrations
The “Chest” Witness of Silent Migrations
“So much so that if this article were not written, something would be missing from the family history and experiences, and the journey from Seoul to Ankara would be erased from minds. This article is also a part of the mourning process and a story of recovery. The chest´s witness to my mother´s family´s migration story makes me want to make this story visible by sharing it. Moreover, I feel like my mother, who does not write her own story, will talk about it here.” - Mutlu Binark
Becoming Your Own Apprentice and Master - Independent Learning
Becoming Your Own Apprentice and Master - Independent Learning
“Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection”- Mark Twain
The Irresistible Drunkenness of Reading Books
The Irresistible Drunkenness of Reading Books
“Veni, vidi, legi! / I came, I saw, I read!"
The Age of Praise of Ignorance
The Age of Praise of Ignorance
Albert Camus, while falling into pessimistic thoughts about the course of humanity in his time, looked for a way out and first tried to name the age i...
Tracking Down Mario Levi
Tracking Down Mario Levi
"My luggage has been checked. He smelled everything and rummaged around. In shirts, trousers, handkerchiefs. They were looking for lace and jewelry. Even for banned books. Idiots looking for you in your suitcase! You won´t discover anything here! The contraband traveling with me. I stuck it in my head. And there are a lot of books in my head! I assure you. My head is a chirping bird´s nest. From the confiscated books." Heinrich Heine / Germany. "A Winter´s Tale"
Kissinger´s Political Doctrine
Kissinger´s Political Doctrine
“Life is suffering. Birth involves death. Transitoriness is the fate of existence. No civilization has yet been permanent, no longing completely fulfilled. This is necessity, the fatedness of history, the dilemma of mortality.” Henry Kissinger - From the preface of his doctorate thesis at Harvard University.
"The Turkish Roots That Will Stay With Me Forever"
"The Turkish Roots That Will Stay With Me Forever"
By Dean Shmuel ELMASThe Bible teaches us that God's works are hidden from our sight, and I encountered this in Istanbul in a very unique way. Because ...
Do All Organisms Feel Pain?
Do All Organisms Feel Pain?
Scientists have revealed that plants exposed to stress also react like humans and animals do. This is a very important discovery for understanding the universality of pain for all living things.
Judicial Coup or Countercoup In Israel
Judicial Coup or Countercoup In Israel
Rak lo BibiIn November 2022, the fifth general election in four years resulted in a decisive victory for the ideological right.The answer to the quest...
Metin Moshe Sarfati and the Albatross
Metin Moshe Sarfati and the Albatross
Translation by Janet MITRANIIt was around the end of the year 2017. My search as to strengthen both the writer and the reader quality of the Şalom New...
Reconciliation with the Wealth Tax
Reconciliation with the Wealth Tax
Translation by Janet MITRANILast week Kemal Kiliçdaroğlu, head of CHP [Republican People's Party of Turkey] would say that they would begin a '...
Is What´s Happening in Israel a Miracle, or Common Sense?
Is What´s Happening in Israel a Miracle, or Common Sense?
Translation by Janet MITRANIThe supernatural events which we call miracle in the codes of Judaism are especially mentioned a lot in the ...
Şalom Editorial: "We Will Go on Calling for Peace"
Şalom Editorial: "We Will Go on Calling for Peace"
A hope as never seen before would dawn in Israel, on May 5th, 2021.As a result of the fourth elections held in two years, when Benjamin Netanyahu's pa...
Nietzsche´s Perspectivism and the Struma Disaster
Nietzsche´s Perspectivism and the Struma Disaster
Translation by Janet MITRANIIt has always been discussed who really was responsible for the Struma ship disaster that had occurred in the Turkish terr...
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