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A Complete Unknown - A Bob Dylan Biopic
28 January
The Address of the American Rare Book Collection "Library of Congress"
12 December
"Song of Ascent" Matisyahu Documentary - Live From Wartime Israel 10/7 and Beyond
8 July
Renan Koen´s Brand-New Projects for Hatay
13 May
Bob Marley: One Love
8 April
Memorial Concert for Pianist Ayşegül Sarıca
5 March
Fame is a "Bubble" That Cannot Be Reached
31 January
Goodness in Us
28 December
Hauser, the Rockstar of Cello, is Coming to Turkey
10 November
Diyarbakir Welcomed the "Yako Taragano Synagogue Hymns Chorus"
19 October
Fani Hodara at Performist International Music Festival
3 August
A Musical Feast at Rahmi M. Koç Museum: Avi Avital & Brooklyn Rider
9 June
Fazıl Say´s Israel Concerts
25 May
Renan Koen´s Concert of Sephardic Melodies at Historical Italian Synagogue
19 May
Respect Not Tolerance; Not Only Living Together but Creating Together...
15 May
Alberto Modiano´s ´100 Jewish Faces´ Exhibition at Schneidertempel Arts Center
8 May
Enthusiastic Clarinet Concert at Hemdat Israel Synagogue
1 May
Eitam: We Have To Respect Our Differences, The Last Decade Showed Us That
5 April
Yinon Muallem and Mor Karbasi at CRR with ´Istanbul & Tel Aviv´ Concert
4 April
A Great Pride; Renan Koen´s Holocaust Concert Together with Presidential Symphony Orchestra
2 February
We Are Commemorating the Holocaust Victims
26 January
2023´s First Concert by ´Ikinci Bahar (Second Spring)´ Chorus
18 January
YÖRET Foundation is 50 Years Old
13 January
In Turkey, a Festival Revives a Jewel of the Sephardic World and Aims to Break Stereotypes
5 January
Plaque and Commemoration at Terezin for the Victims of Turkish Origin
26 December
Jerfi Aji´s ´Looking Through the Sound´ Concert
13 December
European Day of Jewish Culture is Ready to Meet Istanbul Once Again
4 November
A Special Concert at Schneidertempel Arts Center
28 October
Synagogue Chants Choir at Troy Culture Road Festival
30 September
Free Public Concert in Istanbul by World-Famous Musician Mark Eliyahu
22 September
´Ikinci Bahar (Second Spring)´ Chorus has Started Practicing
25 August
Intercultural Activities at Kostem Olive Oil Museum
4 August
Chief Rabbi of Czechia Sidon Visited the Historical Italian Synagogue
8 July
Legendary Jazz Vocalist Dianne Reeves in Istanbul
5 July
Concert at Kadikoy Hemdat Israel Synagogue
30 June
Synagogue Chants Choir at the Culture Festival
13 June
Traditional Shavuot Celebration in the Historical Italian Synagogue
2 June
Magical World of Maria Callas at the Greek Consulate
20 May
Friendship Strengthening via Music
17 May
Jazz Concert in Grand Synagogue of Edirne
12 May
´Memory Storage´ Exhibition at Museum of Turkish Jews
6 May
Guy Mintus will be Performing at the Grand Synagogue of Edirne
2 May
Renan Koen´s Concert at the Turkish Embassy in Washington DC
29 April
´Hymns from Auschwitz´ Concert from Renan Koen in New York
21 April
Renan Koen will Perform at Carnegie Hall
19 April
Renan Koen Performed at New York Turkevi Center
18 April
Ashkenazi and Sephardic Songs in Schneidertempel
18 April
Rıfat Behar Seen Worthy of Order of Knighthood of Italy
8 April
530th Anniversary of Sephardic Jews´ Arrival in Ottoman Lands Celebrated in Madrid
31 March
´Spring Welcome´ Concert at AKM
28 March
Turkish Jewish Lobbying in the Crosshairs
10 March
Holocaust Victims Commemorated
4 February
Holocaust Victims Memorial Concert: ´Music In Order Not to Forget´
26 January
Renan Koen´s Concert @ Washington Holocaust Commemoration
26 January
3rd International Balkan Music Festival at Grand Synagogue of Edirne
27 December
CRR Saying Goodbye to 2021 with Two Concerts
23 December
Violin Virtuoso Gidon Kremer Performed with Cem Mansur
17 December
Selim Hubeş, Master of Ladino Music, Lost His Life
16 December
Last Night of Hanukkah Celebrated in Balat with a Joyful Ceremony
6 December
3rd Izmir Sephardic Culture Festival
25 November
Historical Meeting in Ankara Synagogue
15 November
´European Day of Jewish Culture´ will be Celebrated on October 24th
19 October
Book Talk & Concert with Renan Koen at Historical Italian Synagogue
4 October
Jewish Traces from Balat to Galata Tour on ´European Day of Jewish Culture´
24 September
Maya Belsitzman & Matan Ephrat at 5th Bozcaada Jazz Festival
19 August
Summer in the Garden Festival
6 August
Renan Koen´s ´Positive Resistance´ Introduced on YouTube
30 July
"Holocaust Composers Protected Music Against the Nazis´ Destruction Power"
20 July
Jaffa Bet El Sagol Synagogue Reopened
29 June
The 49th International Istanbul Music Festival´s Concerts Announced
25 June
Renan Koen´s Holocaust Remembrance ´Before Sleep´ Concert @ Museum of Turkish Jews
4 June
The Youth Met with Holocaust Survivor Rina Quint
16 April
Auschwitz-Birkenau, Kastoria City, Lena Russo & Yom HaShoah Commemorations This Year
9 April
Dario Moreno Mural Painted in Izmir for His 100th Year Birth Anniversary
7 April
Jazz Spring and Baroque Music @ İş Sanat
17 March
Izmir Jewish Heritage Project is Starting
15 March
Big Participation in the International Ladino Day from All Around the World
26 February
10th Year Anniversary of Opus Amadeus Chamber Music Festival
16 February
Hania Rani @ Zorlu PSM Online
15 February
Sentimental Moments in the Historical Italian Synagogue
8 February
Renan Koen´s concert @WeRemember.gov.tr
5 February
Renan Koen will Perform Live at two Holocaust Remembrance Events
26 January
Pianist Jerfi Aji at Beethoven Festival
21 January
Guest of ´Ikinci Bahar (Second Spring)´ Chorus: Bogachan Sözmen
20 January