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Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival - Interview with Hilary Helstein
17 March
"Each Day Do One Kind Thing for Another Human Being" - Interview with Karen-Eileen Gordon
28 February
The 97th Academy Awards | 2025 - Best Directors
25 February
Movie Review: The Brutalist
17 February
A Complete Unknown - A Bob Dylan Biopic
28 January
"We Are All Here to Help Each Other" - Interview with Wendy White
21 January
Happy Rebirthday Mr. Director! - My Tribute to David Lynch
20 January
Movie Review: A Real Pain
16 December
Hollywood Turkish Film & Drama Days 2024
25 November
What Would You Ask Your Older Self?: "My Old Ass"
10 October
Movie Review: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
24 September
"Hear People´s Story; Give Them Room to Make Mistakes" - Interview with Andy Danish
12 September
Movie Review: Between The Temples
10 September
"Be What You Want to See In the World" - Interview with Noy Shani
21 August
LA Jewish Film Festival Opening Night Movie: "Guns & Moses"
5 August
Movie Review: Unfrosted
29 July
In Our Darkest Moments, We Bring Light - "Colleyville" by Dani Menkin
19 July
"Song of Ascent" Matisyahu Documentary - Live From Wartime Israel 10/7 and Beyond
8 July
"I Aim to Inspire Audiences to Find Hope" - Interview with Dani Menkin
26 June
"Goodness is Wanting the Best for People" - Interview with Rachel Tesler
24 June
L.A. Jewish Film Festival - Fighting Antisemitism One Film at a Time!
16 June
“Goodness is a Thing We Do, Not a Thing We are” - Interview with Avishai Weinberger
10 May
Movie Review: Challengers
1 May
"Our Strength is In the Good" - Interview with Mia Ivryn
24 April
American Fiction
26 April
Passover: Celebrating the Miracle of Freedom
19 April
Tracking Down Mario Levi
7 March
A Modern Tale of What Love Is: "Past Lives"
4 March
The Boy and the Heron: An Academy Award Nominated Animation by Master Miyazaki
29 February
The Holiday of Trees and Nature: Tu BiShvat
23 January
Movie Review: The Holdovers
18 December
President Erdoğan´s Hanukkah Greeting
14 December
Festival of Lights and Miracles: Hanukkah
7 December
Movie Review: "Killers of the Flower Moon" by Martin Scorsese
6 December
"Disabled - Devre Dışı" Exhibition at Schneidertempel
5 December
Hollywood Turkish Film & Drama Days
13 November
Indie Corner: About Nuri Bilge Ceylan & "Once Upon a Time In Anatolia"
27 October
Diyarbakir Welcomed the "Yako Taragano Synagogue Hymns Chorus"
19 October
Movie Review III: GOLDA
22 September
The Birthday of the Universe: Rosh Hashanah
12 September
Avishai Cohen´s Quartet "Big Vicious" will Illuminate Bozcaada Jazz Festival
5 September
Writers From Islands - Writers Who Wrote Islands
18 August
Movie Review I: BARBIE
7 August
Fani Hodara at Performist International Music Festival
3 August
Janet & Jak Esim Getting Ready for Festivals
20 July
Shemesh Karmiel Dance Company Participated in the Dance Festival in Ashdod
12 July
A Musical Feast at Rahmi M. Koç Museum: Avi Avital & Brooklyn Rider
9 June
Enthusiastic Clarinet Concert at Hemdat Israel Synagogue
1 May
Celebrating the Miracle: Passover
5 April
Yinon Muallem and Mor Karbasi at CRR with ´Istanbul & Tel Aviv´ Concert
4 April
Respect for History Local Conservation Awards Presented
19 January
In Turkey, a Festival Revives a Jewel of the Sephardic World and Aims to Break Stereotypes
5 January
Hanukkah´s Last Night Celebrated All Together at Bebek Park
30 December
Hanukkah Greetings from the State Officials
21 December
"Let the Light of the Hanukkah Candles Illuminate Our Country and Our World"
19 December
4th International Izmir Sephardic Culture Festival Opening its Doors
16 December
European Film Academy´s ´European Editing´ Award Goes to Eytan Ipeker
2 December
Golden Orange for Eytan Ipeker
13 October
Synagogue Chants Choir at Troy Culture Road Festival
30 September
Celebration of Changes and New Beginnings: Rosh Hashanah
23 September
Erdoğan Mitrani Presented SIYAD Award in International Adana Film Festival
19 September
Few Days Left Until the 17th Istanbul Biennial
13 September
Legendary Jazz Vocalist Dianne Reeves in Istanbul
5 July
Concert at Kadikoy Hemdat Israel Synagogue
30 June
Synagogue Chants Choir at the Culture Festival
13 June
The Time Our Torah was Given: SHAVUOT
3 June
Şalom has been at the Cannes Film Festival for 55 Years
19 May
Friendship Strengthening via Music
17 May
Jazz Concert in Grand Synagogue of Edirne
12 May
President Erdoğan´s Greetings for Passover
15 April
Passover: The Anniversary of the Miracle
15 April
Edirne and Bat Yam Became Sister Cities
1 April
Under Erdoğan, Turkish Authorities are Leading a Revival of Jewish Heritage
21 February
Tu BiShvat: New Year for Trees
14 January
The Keeper of Izmir
5 January
3rd International Balkan Music Festival at Grand Synagogue of Edirne
27 December
Sephardic Communities from Around the World Came Together at National Sephardic Community Gala
15 December
Last Night of Hanukkah Celebrated in Balat with a Joyful Ceremony
6 December
´Galata through Abrahamic Religions at Festival of Lights´ Tour
3 December
Unity Messages for Hanukkah from the State Officials
3 December
Light of Hanukkah Spread All Around Turkey
2 December
Hanukkah Greetings from President Erdoğan
1 December
HANUKKAH: Eight Nights, Eight Inspirations
26 November
3rd Izmir Sephardic Culture Festival
25 November
Shaar Ashamayim Synagogue Renewed
23 November
Ferhat Atik´s Prized Documentary to be Screened by the UN
12 November
Sukkot Celebration in Ankara
27 September
The Festival of All World Nations: SUKKOT
20 September
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality´s Initiatives Towards Different Religions and Faith Groups
13 September
Maya Belsitzman & Matan Ephrat at 5th Bozcaada Jazz Festival
19 August
Summer in the Garden Festival
6 August
Deniz Bensusan´s ´Bluebird Society´: Efil´s Journey in a Fantasy World
23 July
The 49th International Istanbul Music Festival´s Concerts Announced
25 June
19th International Filmmor Women´s Festival on Wheels
16 June
13. Istanbul International Literature Festival: ´Literature Above the Clouds´
31 May
An Epic View of Portugal´s Crypto-Jews
27 May
Viktor Apalaçi Chosen as FIPRESCI Jury Member
20 May
Let´s Meet the ´Despertar Izmir´ Project
17 May
Anniversary of the Giving of the Torah: SHAVUOT
14 May
´Dreamlike´ Films @ Kundurama
3 May
Zorlu PSM Jazz Festival: Ayhan Sicimoğlu & Latin All Stars
28 April
40th International Istanbul Film Festival
2 April
President Erdoğan Wished a Happy Passover
29 March
Festival of Freedom: Passover
26 March
Izmir Jewish Heritage Project is Starting
15 March
"Purim is One of Our Historically and Socially Most Important Holidays"
25 February
Purim Festival is Coming
24 February
10th Year Anniversary of Opus Amadeus Chamber Music Festival
16 February
The Holiday of Respecting God and His Creations: Tu BiShvat
26 January
Ariel Goldenberg´s ´Leaving for Holiday´ Wins 3rd Place
24 January
Pianist Jerfi Aji at Beethoven Festival
21 January