Search term: Synagogue
- The Rebirth of The Izmir Historical Rabbinate Library - Interview with Donna Dina Eliezer 6 February
- We Have Lost the Chief Rabbi of Turkey, Rabbi Isak Haleva 14 January
- "Hear People´s Story; Give Them Room to Make Mistakes" - Interview with Andy Danish 12 September
- Movie Review: Between The Temples 10 September
- Kasadolu Draws Attention to the Increasing Hostility Towards Turkish Jews 8 August
- In Our Darkest Moments, We Bring Light - "Colleyville" by Dani Menkin 19 July
- "Song of Ascent" Matisyahu Documentary - Live From Wartime Israel 10/7 and Beyond 8 July
- L.A. Jewish Film Festival - Fighting Antisemitism One Film at a Time! 16 June
- Annette Bat Mitzvah Club and Yoel Bar Mitzvah Club Year-End Ceremonies 30 May
- “Goodness is a Thing We Do, Not a Thing We are” - Interview with Avishai Weinberger 10 May
- From the Museum of Turkish Jews: "Megillat Esther" 22 March
- Fame is a "Bubble" That Cannot Be Reached 31 January
- Goodness in Us 28 December
- From the Museum of Turkish Jews: "Sefer Torah Shield - Tokat Synagogue 5662 (1902)" 29 November
- Quincentennial Foundation´s "Galata Tour" for Tourist Guides 28 November
- 2003 Synagogue Attacks Commemorated on Their 20th Anniversary 8 November
- Diyarbakir Welcomed the "Yako Taragano Synagogue Hymns Chorus" 19 October
- 37 Years Have Passed Since the September 6, 1986 Neve Shalom Terror Attack 8 September
- American Young Professionals Visited Turkey 8 August
- "The Turkish Roots That Will Stay With Me Forever" 6 June
- Anette Bat Mitzvah Club Girls Have Graduated 30 May
- Renan Koen´s Concert of Sephardic Melodies at Historical Italian Synagogue 19 May
- Respect Not Tolerance; Not Only Living Together but Creating Together... 15 May
- Alberto Modiano´s ´100 Jewish Faces´ Exhibition at Schneidertempel Arts Center 8 May
- Siren Bora´s Book Signing 3 May
- Enthusiastic Clarinet Concert at Hemdat Israel Synagogue 1 May
- 550 Young Guests at Neve Shalom Synagogue 28 April
- Yom HaShoah Commemorated in the Ashkenazi Synagogue 21 April
- Deputy Prime Minister of Poland: "We Will Not Forget Those Killed In the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising" 20 April
- Eitam: We Have To Respect Our Differences, The Last Decade Showed Us That 5 April
- Friendship in Football 16 March
- From the Museum of Turkish Jews: ´Ketubah - Marriage Contract´ 13 March
- From the Museum of Turkish Jews: ´Megillat Esther´ 7 March
- Jewish Heritage Mostly Survived the Destruction During the Earthquakes 3 March
- Antakya Jewish Community was also Destroyed by the Earthquake 13 February
- Head of Tiny Jewish Community in Turkey´s Antakya Feared Dead; Torah Scrolls Saved 7 February
- Respect for History Local Conservation Awards Presented 19 January
- In Turkey, a Festival Revives a Jewel of the Sephardic World and Aims to Break Stereotypes 5 January
- We Were at the Polls on December 25th 29 December
- Turkish Synagogues Exhibition to be Opened in Tel Aviv 9 December
- Museum of Turkish Jews was Introduced in Shanghai 28 November
- An Impressive Exhibition at the Grand Synagogue of Edirne 25 November
- We Don´t Forget, We Remember, We Will Remember 16 November
- In Search of a Neighborhood Adventure: Bursa Jewish Neighborhood 7 November
- European Day of Jewish Culture is Ready to Meet Istanbul Once Again 4 November
- ´Ikinci Bahar (Second Spring)´ Chorus Visited the Historical Italian Synagogue 3 November
- Şalom, the Longest-lived Newspaper of the Turkish Jewish Press, Owns a Record that can be Renewed Only by Itself 1 November
- ´Passports to Paraguay´ Documentary Screening at Neve Shalom Synagogue 21 October
- On the Turkish-Syrian Border, a City´s Last Jews Watch the Ending of an Epoch 20 October
- Synagogue Chants Choir at Troy Culture Road Festival 30 September
- 17th Istanbul Biennial Parallel Exhibition at Museum of Turkish Jews 16 September
- ´Ikinci Bahar (Second Spring)´ Chorus has Started Practicing 25 August
- Neve Shalom Victims; We Didn´t Forget, We Won´t Let Them be Forgotten 24 August
- From the Museum of Turkish Jews: ´Shiviti´ 16 August
- Thieves who Stole Historical Manuscripts from Gaziantep Synagogue were Captured 12 August
- ´Chat Evenings´ at Büyükada Hesed LeAvraam Synagogue 29 July
- Chief Rabbi of Czechia Sidon Visited the Historical Italian Synagogue 8 July
- Concert at Kadikoy Hemdat Israel Synagogue 30 June
- From Chief Rabbi Isak Haleva to Israelis: "You Can Feel at Home in Turkey" 16 June
- Conference of European Rabbis Held in Munich 15 June
- Synagogue Chants Choir at the Culture Festival 13 June
- Celebration of Annette Bat Mitzvah Club´s 43 Girls 7 June
- The Time Our Torah was Given: SHAVUOT 3 June
- Traditional Shavuot Celebration in the Historical Italian Synagogue 2 June
- ´The Sea Between Us´ Exhibition at Schneidertempel 16 May
- Jazz Concert in Grand Synagogue of Edirne 12 May
- ´Memory Storage´ Exhibition at Museum of Turkish Jews 6 May
- Guy Mintus will be Performing at the Grand Synagogue of Edirne 2 May
- Coming Together to Say "Never Again" 27 April
- Rıfat Behar Seen Worthy of Order of Knighthood of Italy 8 April
- 530th Anniversary of Sephardic Jews´ Arrival in Ottoman Lands Celebrated in Madrid 31 March
- Peace Prayer for Ukraine from Turkish Chief Rabbi Isak Haleva 11 March
- Şükrü Özçevik´s ´Synthesis´ Exhibition Opened in Izmir 28 February
- Under Erdoğan, Turkish Authorities are Leading a Revival of Jewish Heritage 21 February
- Memories of Old Jewish Life Came Alive in Edirne 15 February
- Holocaust Victims Memorial Concert: ´Music In Order Not to Forget´ 26 January
- The Keeper of Izmir 5 January
- What Would You Say for 2021? 31 December
- Remains of 7th Century Synagogue Discovered in Antalya 29 December
- 3rd International Balkan Music Festival at Grand Synagogue of Edirne 27 December
- ´Synagogues of Turkey´ Exhibition in Edirne 10 December
- Hanukkah Celebrated in Kilis Synagogue 60 Years Later 6 December
- ´Galata through Abrahamic Religions at Festival of Lights´ Tour 3 December
- Light of Hanukkah Spread All Around Turkey 2 December
- From the Museum of Turkish Jews: ´Besamim´ 29 November
- 3rd Izmir Sephardic Culture Festival 25 November
- ´Galata, In the Footsteps of Abrahamic Religions´ Tour 24 November
- Shaar Ashamayim Synagogue Renewed 23 November
- Netflix´s ´The Club´ Offers a Rare Portrait of Turkish Jews, Shattering Historical Taboos in the Process 18 November
- 18th Anniversary of November 15th, 2003 Synagogue Attacks 16 November
- Historical Meeting in Ankara Synagogue 15 November
- Turkish Jewish Community at Vienna Synagogue Commemoration Ceremony 10 November
- ´Jewish Identity Engraved on Stones´ Exhibition from the Museum of Turkish Jews 4 November
- Parochet Workshop @ Museum of Turkish Jews 1 November
- 2003 Synagogue Attacks Commemorated 18 Years Later 27 October
- "I am a Free and Fearless Jew" 25 October
- Ilber Ortayli´s Visit to ´Synagogues of Turkey´ Exhibition 21 October
- Izmir Jewish Heritage Project Aims to Revitalize City´s Ancient Sephardic Synagogues 20 October
- ´European Day of Jewish Culture´ will be Celebrated on October 24th 19 October
- After a Month in Hiding, Afghanistan´s Last Jew Arrives in Turkey 18 October
- Following the Traces of Jewish Culture 15 October
- Culture Trips by Despertar Izmir Project Continued 14 October
- Book Talk & Concert with Renan Koen at Historical Italian Synagogue 4 October
- ´Synagogues of Turkey´ Exhibition at Balat Ahrida Synagogue 30 September
- Sukkot Celebration in Ankara 27 September
- Jewish Traces from Balat to Galata Tour on ´European Day of Jewish Culture´ 24 September
- Annette Bat-Mitzvah Club´s Belated Ceremony 23 September
- Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality´s Initiatives Towards Different Religions and Faith Groups 13 September
- Historical Italian Synagogue Reopening for Worship 27 August
- From the Museum of Turkish Jews: ´Wedding Invitation´ 20 August
- 1986 Neve Shalom Victims Commemorated 11 August
- Our Pain of 18 Years Ago is Still Fresh 5 August
- From the Museum of Turkish Jews: ´Tzedakah Box´ 28 July
- Hemdat Israel Synagogue Flourishes with Historic Preservation Project 19 July
- Great Enthusiasm for the ´Izmir Jewish Heritage´ Project´s Opening Ceremony 2 July
- Jaffa Bet El Sagol Synagogue Reopened 29 June
- Şalom Editorial: "We Will Go on Calling for Peace" 21 May
- Anniversary of the Giving of the Torah: SHAVUOT 14 May
- The Abandoned Synagogue´s Gate Set on Fire 22 March
- Izmir Jewish Heritage Project is Starting 15 March
- "Purim is One of Our Historically and Socially Most Important Holidays" 25 February
- Sentimental Moments in the Historical Italian Synagogue 8 February
- Genocide Information Website by the Presidency 4 February
- Conversation with the Young People at the Presidency 1 February
- Renan Koen will Perform Live at two Holocaust Remembrance Events 26 January
- ´Synagogues of Istanbul´ Presentation 21 January
- From the Museum of Turkish Jews: ´Omer Calendar´ 11 January